First Impressions and New Experiences

First Impressions and New Experiences

As the spring semester unfolds, World Learning is thrilled to welcome a diverse cohort of Global UGRAD students to campuses across the country. Each semester, Global UGRADs from all corners of the globe embark on a transformative journey to pursue their academic aspirations in the United States. For many Global UGRADs, the first impressions of their host university and community …

End of Program: Photo Contest Winners

End of Program: Photo Contest Winners

In the weeks leading up to this fall’s End of Program Workshop, Global UGRAD participants submitted photos to the UGRAD Photo Contest that culminated at the workshop in Washington, D.C. Participants could submit one photo for each of the following five categories: American Experiences, Fall Fun, Sharing Culture, School Spirit, and Community Service. Submissions had to be photos participants had …

Community Service Spotlight: Fall 2023

Community Service Spotlight: Fall 2023

Each semester, Global UGRAD students across the United States complete a minimum of 20 hours of community service to fulfill their Global UGRAD program requirement. This fall, students embraced the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to their host communities by doing everything from volunteering at local charitable organizations to cleaning up local parks and gardens. Below are highlights from some of …



Many UGRADs experienced their first Halloween this year in the United States. Several students dressed up in costumes, attended parties and participated in Halloween-related activities. Elian Gonzalez, a student from Panama studying at Keuka College in Upstate New York, thoroughly enjoyed the holiday. “It was wonderful to celebrate Halloween for the first time in the USA,” Gonzalez said. “I shared …