Alumni Gathering: Albania

Alumni Gathering: Albania

Once a UGRAD, always a UGRAD! On 20th of October, Albanian Global UGRAD alumni organized a meet-up. Although we have been talking with each other constantly, it was the first time that all of us, two generations (2016-17, 2017-18) of Global UGRADs in Albania, came together to share our own experiences in the U.S. We found many similarities in our …

All Hands on Deck! Stories of Community Service from Around the World – Part I

All Hands on Deck! Stories of Community Service from Around the World – Part I

Community service is an integral part of the Global UGRAD experience. Beyond being a program requirement, Global UGRAD participants embrace civic engagement as one of the most valuable, enjoyable, and rewarding parts of their semester in the U.S. As the spring semester students gear up to begin their own service activities, we would like to highlight the outstanding volunteer work …

From Where I Stand part I | The Global UGRAD Photojournalism Project

One of our favorite sayings is “Once a UGRAD, always a UGRAD”. Even when the U.S. portion of the Global UGRAD experience is over, alumni are always a part of this big and talented family of impact. The lessons learned and knowledge gained during the exchange live on as alumni share their stories and dedicate efforts to shine brightly in …

My Newest Hero

Erisa Murati, Albania, Kansas State University My last but most significant volunteering experience was on Saturday, December 3rd at the Lighthouse Clothes Closet and Food Pantry center, which offers free clothes and food packages for people in need. My responsibilities there were almost the same as the ones at Encore Shop, organizing food on the shelves, cleaning the food pantry, checking and picking up …