Alumni Advice

Alumni Advice

The Global UGRAD family is vast, comprising over 3,000 alumni. We asked a few recent alums about tips they would share with new UGRAD students. Who better to share advice on navigating this experience than those who just participated in the program? Durdonakhon Odilova | Uzbekistan | Georgia College & State University | Fall 2023 “Get out of your dorm! …

Alumni Voices

Alumni Voices

Upon returning home, Global UGRAD alumni embark on remarkable journeys, achieving academic excellence, personal growth, and professional milestones that inspire and impress. Below, three recent alumni shared updates with us about their post-UGRAD activities. Abdulaziz Isomov | Uzbekistan | San Francisco State University | Spring 2023 “Over the Thanksgiving holiday in 2024, I was in New York City for 20 …