Alumni Updates – Burma & Philippines

Burma  Nan Sandar Kyaw (2010-11) is running a capacity building group called DeNx Generation and is also in his final year of undergraduate classes in Chinese.Nan is also a freelance tutor for business management students, and is an an executive member of Apex School of Management Alumni Group. Thet Mon Myat Thein (2010-11) is working for the development for Myanmar …

Opening Professional Doors

By Veljko Dimitrijevic (UGRAD 2012-13) While I was studying at the Illinois State University (ISU) in Normal, IL last year, I was looking for an internship, which was an important part of the Global UGRAD Program. I can honestly say that the process of applying for an internship in the US made me think about making a bigger step forward …

Global UGRAD Honor Roll 2012-13

World Learning would like to take this opportunity to honor students who achieved high academic standing during the 2013 spring semester. The following students not only achieved a GPA of 3.75 or higher, but also exhibited exceptional effort throughout the semester. We received positive feedback from host in­stitutions about so many of the students, but the 49 honor roll students …

A Fond Farewell from World Learning

Congratulations on successfully completing the Global UGRAD Program!  The end of term is always a busy time, but try to take a few moments to reflect back on your many accomplishments – big and small.  These last days and weeks are also a good time to say thanks to people who have helped you along the way, for example, your …

Student Achievement and Success

Stefan Badza (Serbia) has an internship at The University of Utah Nuclear Engineering Program. His research is focused on analyzing rice elemental composition using a nuclear method called Neutron Activation Analysis. The main goal of his research is to determine the best way to detect different elements in rice and to see how rice processes environmental conditions.  Also, he is examining the …

Staying Engaged as UGRAD Alumni

As the saying goes, once a UGRADer always a UGRADer. World Learning is here to encourage you to stay connected with World Learning, State Alumni and the U.S. Embassies and Fulbright Commissions back home. Your experience as a UGRADer does not have to end when you step off your final plane back home.  Here are some ways UGRAD alumni have …

Packing Like a Pro

Let’s be honest, no one likes packing. Nevertheless, UGRAD students, the time has come and we want to help make the process as smooth as possible. Many of you are going home with more than you came with. Here are tips to ensure all your precious cargo makes it. Make a list. Start now – It may seem early, but …


Dear UGRAD Post, Upon coming to the United States I joined the world’s largest scientific society: the American Chemical Society (ACS). A couple of months later I submitted an abstract and was invited to the ACS National Meeting in New Orleans, LA. At the biggest chemistry conference in the world (around 20,000 people participated), I had an oral presentation on …

Alumni Class Secretaries – Cambodia and Haiti

Cambodia After returning to Cambodia from Johnson City, Tennessee, Viseth Sean (11-12) finished the English for Academic Purpose program at the Australian Center for Education (ACE) and received the diploma on February 15, 2013. In addition, Viseth won the 2012 Honda Young Engineer and Scientist Award after completing his BS in Computer Science. For winning the competition, he was awarded …