A Fond Farewell from World Learning

Congratulations on successfully completing the Global UGRAD Program!  The end of term is always a busy time, but try to take a few moments to reflect back on your many accomplishments – big and small.  These last days and weeks are also a good time to say thanks to people who have helped you along the way, for example, your favorite professor, advisor, friendship family, or roommate. You can do this formally – by writing a note or giving a small present – or informally through a few well-chosen words. What counts most is the sentiment behind whatever gesture you choose.

Staff Photo1Another way to express your appreciation for the UGRAD experience is to apply some of what you have learned over the past months to the benefit of your home country and community. Start thinking now about how you would like to get involved soon after you are settled back at home. It will help alleviate symptoms of reverse culture shock to feel like you are putting your semester or year’s work to immediate use. Did you enjoy community service? Get connected with an organization at home that does similar work. Not finding a volunteer activity that clicks for you? Some UGRAD alumni have taken the initiative to start their own community service programs back at home. Would you like to stay connected with the U.S.? Check with your contacts at the U.S. Embassy, Fulbright Commission in your country or World Learning to find out about upcoming events. These are excellent networking opportunities that you should take advantage of immediately.

Again, congratulations for your outstanding achievements in the 2012-2013 Global UGRAD Program. The World Learning team has enjoyed getting to know you and being part of your UGRAD experience. We wish you all the best as you transition to your new role as Global UGRAD alum.

Stay in touch.

Thomas Bruey, Amy Fisher, Bethany Gilchrist, Pamela Lowenstein, Jessica Mead, Melissa Oppenheimer, Mallory Orme, and Roya Zahed

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