Last month, Global UGRADs from host campuses around the country gathered in Washington, DC for the first End of Program Workshop in three years. The workshop primarily focused on professional and leadership development, as well as team building. However, at the core of the workshop was an emphasis on cultivating a sense of community among these international exchange students.
As one such showcase for students to share their experiences in the United States with each other, all were asked to submit photos from their exchange program for a variety of categories such as school spirit, quintessential American experiences, fall festivities, community service, cultural exchange, and travel. We received so many great images and the Global UGRAD team selected a few favorites:
Melbourne Samper, Philippines, and Issa Adamou, Niger, showing school spirit for the University of Montevallo in Alabama.
Andrii Slota, Ukraine, volunteers with the local Red Cross branch at San Francisco State University during San Francisco’s most recent bout of wildfires.
Sarvinoz Avazova, Uzbekistan, displaying her nation’s flag at the Golden Gate bridge.
Wiki Nadera, Philippines, visiting Michigan’s scenic Upper Peninsula.
Ksenia Matysik, Belarus, visiting Seattle’s pier.
Jefferson Delgado, Costa Rica, showcasing some photographic prowess at Xavier University of Louisiana.
Reichel Rodriguez, Costa Rica, shows her take on the American Jack o’ Lantern at the University of Missouri – St. Louis‘ campus.
Alessandra Arcia, Panama, receives a gift from Kheuakham Chanlivong, Cambodia.
Hour Ahmed, Egypt, shares some dishes from her country with other international students at Grand Valley State University.
Andrea Bello, Nicaragua, and Muhammad El-Sayed, Egypt, both Global UGRADs, represent Fayetteville State University‘s international students at their annual homecoming.