Welcoming the Fall Global UGRAD Cohort

World Learning is pleased to welcome Global UGRAD participants from all across the world to the United States. The 2024-2025 cohort includes 330 students with 137 enrolled this semester. Representing 62 countries/areas, these students are hosted at 59 partner universities and colleges throughout the United States. All Global UGRAD participants attending the fall semester have arrived at their host campuses and are diving straight into campus life!

Anahit taking in the sights at the University of South Alabama

Anahit Mnatsakanyan, a UGRAD from Armenia who is attending the University of South Alabama, shared her thoughts about her first days in Alabama with other Global UGRADs. “I finally made it to the United States! I hope you’re all doing well, because I’m really enjoying my time at the University of South Alabama—warm people, a great routine, and nice weather. Before arriving, I was anxious about being completely alone, but I was definitely wrong. I really love the other UGRAD students here—we’ve become so close. We also have university cousins who are amazing! I wish you all a memorable experience. Can’t wait to meet you all in Washington, DC!”

Leaving home and everything familiar and coming to study in the United States through the Global UGRAD Program is no small feat. Global UGRAD students consistently demonstrate academic excellence, leadership potential, and a commitment to service before, during, and after their program. Over the next four months, these Global UGRADs will immerse themselves in academic coursework, community service, and cross-cultural experiences such as the End of Program Workshop in Washington, DC. World Learning is excited to see what these students achieve during their program!