Halloween Photo Contest

Halloween is an important holiday on U.S. campuses, with most students dressing up and celebrating with friends. Knowing that they would likely wear some pretty fantastic costumes, we set up a Halloween Photo Contest for the Global UGRAD participants! We received many great submissions, and after much debate, were finally able to decide on the following winners. Scroll to the bottom to see a gallery of all of the submissions.

Congratulations Winners!

Best Duo: Aylar Mammetmyradova and her friend

Best Ensemble: Fernanda Alina Polanco Avendaño, Jingyun Guo, Islam Ayoub, David Ngatia, Sarvinoz Tilloeva

Scariest: Aik Paung Seinn

Most Original: Marcela Tatiana Chavarría Mora

Funniest: Khamla Sabpaso

Staff Favorite: Lackuna Alounthong