Mission Internship

Sobeyda del Carmen Sobalvarro Altamirano, Nicaragua, working in a lab for the first time conducting cancer research

During the fall, the UGRAD team launched a campaign called Mission: Internship to help students prepare for intern experiences during the spring 2015 semester. This initiative went a long way to help many UGRADs think about their professional development goals and successfully secure impressive opportunities to hone their skills and apply their knowledge in a real-world context. All of our students have worked diligently to find opportunities that will help them gain a better understanding of their respective fields of study, which include: Engineering, Design, Radio Broadcasting, Law, Mathematics, Psychology, Nutrition and more.

Carmela Arcigal “on the job” at Chippewa Valley Technical College



Exemplary internships this semester include:

Anjela Micanovic, American University – Embassy of Montenegro in Washington, DC

Fattoum Slimane, Grand Valley State University – Writing the Asset Management Plan for pavements and bridges of the city of Grand Rapids

Carmela Arcigal, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire – Teaching Assistant at the English Language Learning Program of Chippewa Valley Technical College

Keep up the good work, UGRADs!

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