Leadership is a fundamental part of the Global UGRAD program. During our Re-entry Workshops we had a number of sessions dedicated to discussing leadership in a broader context. What does it mean to be a leader? What defines leadership? What are the different forms of leadership? Then, a few weeks after we had our Western Hemisphere students reflect upon the concept and what their roles as leaders would be back in their home communities.
Honestly, I didn’t know I was a leader before going to the Re-entry Workshop. I thought that being a true leader was more likely associated with really big and evident success, being in charge of a large amount of people, and maybe having fame. But now I understand that it is not that at all. Being able to make your own right decisions, never forgetting to help, and being a good influence on other people is what a leader is.
I’m growing skills which will become stronger and stronger. In that way I will be able to help my community back home. As a leader, there are many values that I need to practice as often as I can, for being a leader is not easy. People are watching you everywhere and lean on you during difficult situations. You are like a light. To that point, I can use my leadership skills to prove that the light is there.
In my home university we have a problem – a lack of interest on the part of the student community. One thing that I can do is show them that if we want to change our campus and administration, we must use our thoughts, actions, and attitudes to do so. We are a small population, less than a thousand students, and we are not working together as a community. We can start to apply daily leadership. We are a diverse group of people; everybody has different skills, and if we can take advantage of this rich diversity and create good and efficient plans that will improve our campus and our community.
I think a leader is not necessarily a person who leads or the person who is in charge of a group. In my opinion a leader is someone who takes care of all his or her fellows, is the person that tries to cover all the necessities of a team, working with all the team members as a family, through all the paths and situations they face, until finally achieving successfully every goal.
I would like to end with two really interesting and reflective quotes which I think define leadership…
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu
“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” – Warren Bennis