Global UGRAD Halloween Costume Contest

Global UGRAD Halloween Costume Contest

Every year the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program holds a costume contest via our Facebook group to encourage students to share their Halloween costumes and how they are celebrating the holiday in their host universities. This year, as in years past, we had a large number of students submit their funny, scary, creative, and all around awesome costumes. Thank you to …

Spring 2018 Photo Contest Winners

Spring 2018 Photo Contest Winners

This spring, Global UGRAD participants were invited to take part in a photo contest by submitting their best shots from the semester. World Learning received over 200 photo submissions featuring participants sharing their culture and exploring the United States. Among these, six winning photos were selected. The following winners were announced with a roaring round of applause at the End of …

Haiti Alumni Update by Widens Pierre

Haiti Alumni Update by Widens Pierre

The lives of exchange alumni have innumerable, adventurous golden opportunities to grab – they only need to start adapting their imagination to the concrete world, and then make their aspirations become a reality. Global UGRAD participants have always received the necessary skills to be effective enough to empower many marginalized places in the world. Particularly, their presence is crucial for …

From Where I Stand part I | The Global UGRAD Photojournalism Project

One of our favorite sayings is “Once a UGRAD, always a UGRAD”. Even when the U.S. portion of the Global UGRAD experience is over, alumni are always a part of this big and talented family of impact. The lessons learned and knowledge gained during the exchange live on as alumni share their stories and dedicate efforts to shine brightly in …

Through the Eyes of Our Roommates

The Global UGRAD Program is a transformative experience not only for its participants, but also for their roommates. Read on to learn more about how living with a Global UGRAD has impacted their lives! The roommate of Be Moua, Lewis-Clark State College: Be and I have been roommates for about eight months. Be is from Laos, and I am from Grangeville, Idaho. I …