Costa Rica in the United States!

By: Karol Paola Chavarria Chaves (Costa Rica) Augustana College

Karol - Costa RicaI had the amazing opportunity to share my culture. During my time in South Dakota I have learned a lot about US culture but it was my turn to talk and show the amazing country where I come from. It was interesting to put together this presentation because I began to compare everything and I realized how much I have learned.

I did my presentation with two more boys that are from Costa Rica. We talked about general aspects, currency, landscape, weather, food, holidays, we wore our national costume and gave a general view of our country, but also about our lives and families. It was such a great experience! Some people told us at the end that it was wonderful to see how much love we had for our country and others told us that they loved it and want to visit Costa Rica! Thanks UGRAD for letting me learn about US culture but also give me the opportunity to share where I come from and who I am.


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