Dear UGRAD Post,
I went to Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Mountain, and the Badlands on a Augustana College field trip. I learned many things including more on US culture, history and some stories of Native American Tribes. I was especially amazed at the efforts of the crew members who built Mt. Rushmore without advanced technology. I admire their work because they have showed their admiration for the founding fathers of the United States. Mt. Rushmore is not only a national symbol of the United States, but the symbol for people who love democracy, human rights and who value Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That’s why I chose to wear the shirt with the photo of our leader Daw Suu who also loves the values that the founding fathers set up for this country. I was really happy to have been able to travel to this shrine of democracy. – Sit Maw, Burma, Augustana College
Dear UGRAD Post,
This photo was taken during the “BOB-Blugold” organization bash when all the clubs of my university gather together and people are able check out and join new clubs. There are so many clubs, from horse riding to dancing and on this day I joined two. The first club I joined is called “Two to Tango.” In this club they teach different kinds of dances every week. So far I have learned a bit about swing dance and the waltz! It is amazing and I learned that my new club has members of all ages in it. Some of my friends also joined this club and we go to the dancing studio together every Sunday.
The second club I joined is called “Campus Kitchen” and I will also use this to complete my community service hours. In this club we take the food that was left over (but untouched) and deliver it to people in need. I think it is so exciting and I have my first shift tomorrow! – Uyanga Ganbold, Mongolia, University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire
Dear UGRAD Post,
We are UGRADers and what’s better than that?! We have the opportunity to study abroad: to learn about different cultures, develop tolerances for diversity, make new friends from all around the world, have an international network, be an ambassador of our country, gain new experiences, become a great leader, and to travel around the US to see some amazing and wonderful places.
I am currently at USI and on September 29th I went to Saint Louis (Missouri). It was awesome! We went to the Zoo which has varieties of different animals, then to the city museum. There are lots of beautiful expositions there too. Finally, we went to the top of the Arch where we took this picture. It’s one of the greatest constructions of the U.S. and thousands of people visit every day. While in it you have a view of the whole city. It’s really amazing! We also had the chance to go to the taste of Saint Louis a festival. – Meschac Gervais, Haiti, University of Southern Indiana