7th Annual U.S. Education Fair – Tbilisi, Georgia

Salome Pkhaladze, Pittsburg State University, Georgia (15-16)

Recently, I volunteered and served as a short-term project consultant at Center of International Education in Georgia, which is an official representative of EducationUSA – a U.S. Department of State network of over 400 international student advising centers in more than 170 countries. I assisted the EducationUSA adviser with the preparation of the 7th Annual U.S. Education Fair with participation of 16 U.S. universities and the U.S. embassy in Georgia.

Hundreds of people who were interested in to study in the U.S. attended the event from all parts of Georgia. They met representatives from American

universities in person and found out first-hand information about the admissions procedures and the funding opportunities. For this event I supervised social media platforms, planned content development, marketing and media campaigns, and acted as a media spokesperson. As a Global UGRAD program alum, I also advised students who were interested in U.S. government exchange programs, explaining the Global UGRAD application process and the program requirements. It was a great feeling to share my American experience with Georgian youngsters!

It is worth mentioning that within the framework of the Global UGRAD Program, I studied Communication at Pittsburg State University. The classes I took at Pittsburg State equipped me with the necessary skills which helped to collaborate with EducationUSA, and deal with my duties in the preparation of the landmark Educational event in Georgia.