It is important to set aside time to reflect on the experiences that give our lives meaning. The UGRAD students are asked to complete small “reflection” assignments throughout their time on the program, and the topic for the month of October is ‘Goals’. Hnin NuNu Luin, a UGRAD student at Missouri State University, put it best by noting that “achieving goals is not a product, it is a kind of process and part of human life.” Goals are important in that they allow us to set long and short-term bench marks for how successful we are in many aspects of our lives. We asked our students to reflect on their goals for the UGRAD experience, and found that they all had very similar ideas across regions and universities:

  • Building relationships with American students
  • Learning something that will help me when I return to my home country
  • Traveling to new places and trying new things
  • Improving my English and public speaking abilities
  • Breaking stereotypes – both about Americans and about my country

Reading the heart felt reflections that our students write is both insightful and inspiring, and allows the World Learning staff to provide constructive mentoring for UGRAD participants. We can’t wait to see where this semester will take them on their UGRAD journey!