2012-2013 Alumni Updates from Laos

ManiphetManiphet Phengsavatdy (Bic) is working as an intern in the External Affairs sector at the World Bank. She has been participating in many community service activities, namely the English Tutoring Class, where she volunteered as a coordinator and tutor; AEIF’s College Majors Guidebook & Web project, where she is volunteering in a data collection team; and Dare to Dream Project, a project Bic created by herself that aims to teach English to Primary School students. She also participated in several exchange programs, such as the 14th AManiphet 2SEAN + 3 Educational Forum and Young Speaker Contest in Indonesia, JENESYS 2.0 Program in Japan, and LEAD ASEAN Youth Summit in the Philippines. In addition to those events, she also serves as a president at the LAC Toastmasters International Club in her home country.


Naphasouk Sithpraxay (Alex) graduated from the National University of Laos Alexwith a Bachelor’s of Law. She was selected by the Lao government as the 2014 Youth Ambassador of the Ship of Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Program. Naphasouk, along with 28 other selected Lao Youth, will represent her country to 10 ASEAN countries and Japan. She will embark on the ship to promote friendship and mutual understanding among youth  in the ASEAN region, and broaden the world’s perspective on youth development.

Pavinaphone Boupha (Vena) is enrolled in her last semester at university. She completed her final business plan and will make her final presentation next month. Vena is expected to graduate within the year. She also works as a Marketing Assistant at First May Group Sole Co.,LTD.  In addition, she continues working in the entertainment industry as a musical artist.  She is now a brand ambassador for several products branded in Laos, such as Wall’s Magnum Gold, Pond’s, and Namkhong Beer. As a brand ambassador, she had the chance to work with actors and actresses from Thailand.

VenaVena is also involved in the community service activities. She has been volunteering with “Hand in Hand,” a non-profit social volunteer group of Lao youth. The most exciting news  is that she is planning to start her very own business. She will launch her own jewelry brand call “V.naS by V.na” which will feature jewelry made of silver and Swarovski crystal. She designs every piece herself and promised to update the Global Gazette with more pictures of her jewelry design.

HoneyAfter returning home, Varany Khanthavong (Honey) went back to continue her bachelor’s degree at National University of Laos.  She had the chance to join LAO-SC (Lao American Alumni Overseas Student Club) and a student group called ALSA (Asian Law Student’s Association) through the Faculty of Law and Political Science. Within the last two years at the Faculty of Law and Political Science, she went on field trips and volunteered with ALSA and LAO-SC in Vangvieng City. Honey successfully finished her B.A. in International Relations on August 29th and is beginning her Master’s program in International Relations at Coventry University in the United Kingdom.


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