Welcome to the 2014-15 Academic Year!

On behalf of World Learning, thank you to everyone who makes the Department of State’s Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (UGRAD) possible. It is an unparalleled opportunity for undergraduate students to learn about another culture, explore academic interests, and gain new skills. We hope that the students benefit their host communities around the United States as much as this program benefits them. All of us on the World Learning Global UGRAD team look forward to supporting the students, our partners, and ECA throughout the year.

During the course of the program, the World Learning Global UGRAD team will work closely with our partners to make this a year fulfilling exchange experience. The students are the center of our work. We will monitor their progress through weekly e-mails, Tumblr photo challenges, and frequent Skype or phone calls.

UGRAD Team 2014
From Left to Right: Dorothy White, Amy Fisher Bruey, Christine Tran, Clara AgborTabi, Jessica Mead, Patrick Murphy, Olga Kolodina, Chris Sluter, Roya Zahed, Bethany Gilchrist

This newsletter, the Global Gazette, will come to you every month during the academic year. UGRAD Alumni often send us articles and photos that they would like to share with members of the UGRAD community. Their achievements and continuing engagement with this program are what make it so special. The UGRAD team is continually amazed by the accomplishments of the UGRAD Alumni and the growth that students make in their time at their host institutions. The Global Gazette, among our other social media outlets, is a forum for us to share those achievements with our partners. We want our UGRAD community to be active. To that end, we will ask for student submissions for this publication throughout the year. Please feel free to send us your own student success stories from campus as well.

Cheers to another great year ahead!


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