Lessons I Learned While Living in the USA

Lessons I Learned While Living in the USA

An exchange semester is a dream for many and it’s for that reason I was the happiest because I was living all my fantasies. Though with each new experience, I had a lesson in life. Without further ado, here’re what a semester in the U.S. has taught me: I May Not Understand Something, but I Learned to Accept Just because …

ELT Students Enjoy Winter Break

ELT Students Enjoy Winter Break

Temirlan Tagaibaev, Kyrgzstan, Saginaw Valley State University During winter break I visited four different cities. My trip began in Chicago, proceeded to Boston, New York, and finished in Washington, D.C. It was the longest trip I ever had. In Chicago, I met many different people, including some Kyrgyz-Americans and ate some Kyrgyz food. I noticed that many people want to …

Inclusion on Campus

Inclusion on Campus

To be an effective leader, it is important to challenge one’s assumptions of others and create spaces where traditionally silenced groups are given an opportunity to be heard. As part of World Learning’s Global UGRAD OPAL course module “Beyond Tolerance: Inclusion and Diversity Practices,” students were requested to attend an event or club meeting that serves as a space for …

From Where I Stand part I | The Global UGRAD Photojournalism Project

One of our favorite sayings is “Once a UGRAD, always a UGRAD”. Even when the U.S. portion of the Global UGRAD experience is over, alumni are always a part of this big and talented family of impact. The lessons learned and knowledge gained during the exchange live on as alumni share their stories and dedicate efforts to shine brightly in …